10th Mind redefines legal data consultancy by providing a comprehensive, cost-effective e-discovery service.
Challenging Convention

10th Mind is a market leading legal technology and e-discovery service provider
The 10th Mind principle states: If within a group of ten people the first nine all agree, it is the duty of the tenth person to challenge the convention.
At 10th Mind, we’re transforming the provision of e-discovery and legal technology provision by aligning ourselves to our clients’ needs. We do this by working on a conditional fee basis with corporates, law firms and litigation funds.
We pride ourselves on delivering all our projects according to the global ‘gold standard’ of project management, by deploying Prince 2 and Prince 2 Agile principles at the heart of our operations.
End-to-End Discovery Service
Forensic Data Harvesting
We can securely harvest any volume of data from any source, anywhere in the world.
Data Management and Optimisation
Market leading Case Managers are available 24/7 to work with our clients on streamlining data and the data review process
Human-Led Data Review
We have review centres in the UK, USA, and India. We can deploy 300+ professional document reviewers at any time, at short notice.
Technology-Led Data Review
We use market-leading legal technology to help our clients deliver what they need, when they need it, as efficiently and cost-effectively as possible.
Backed by Legal Experience
Our management team and strategic advisor combine to deliver 100+ years’ knowledge and expertise of all relevant disciplines, including: litigation, litigation funding, technology, and project management, through our collective experience as law firm partners, litigation funders, project managers, C-suite executives, founders and owners.
Joshua Coleman-Pecha
CEO & Co-Founder
Julian Coleman
CEO & Co-Founder
Laurence Coleman
Head of PM & Co-Founder
Stuart Hills
Non-Executive Director
Nick Rowles-Davies
Strategic Advisor
Unique Charge Structure
10th Mind stands alone as the only global legal technology and independent, professional, e-discovery service provider that is willing to risk-share with its clients. We do this by offering our services on a conditional fee basis to clients that have secured litigation funding or where law firms advising clients are working on the same basis. Other forms of charge structure (hourly and fixed fee, where appropriate) are also available.